Each character's lines are read sequentially once specific criteria are met. The list below has each character/item followed by their lines for each command, the flag id set by them in parentheses, and then the criteria checked before displaying it. If the criteria is not met, it displays the previous flagged line instead. xx yy: if xx is less than 80, it is a character id and flag yy is checked 80: indicates the end of the criteria 81: this criteria is automatically met 82 xx: not used 83 xx yy: not used 84 xx: check if item xx is in inventory 85 xx: check if item xx is NOT in inventory 86 xx: not used 87 xx: not used 88 xx yy: check whether character xx is at map yy, used to check if a character has been brought to the church 89 xx yy: check whether character xx is NOT at map yy, used to check if a character has been taken from their starting place, but not necessarily dropped off at the church 90: check to see if you've won 7 battles before Carol will follow you 91: check to see if Patrick should be awake, to make sure blood has been given and a day has passed 00 Carpenter Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(3): 81 80 4(4): 81 80 5(7): 01 08 80 6(8): 14 04 80 7(9): 05 0a 80 8(a): 1b 11 0f 06 80 9(d): 84 0e 80 a(e): 14 0b 80 b(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 01 Carrie Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(4): 02 0a 80 4(5): 21 12 80 5(6): 06 09 80 6(7): 1a 11 80 7(8): 1a 12 80 8(9): 05 09 80 9(a): 1a 13 80 a(b): 14 0b 80 b(c): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 02 Franklin Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(5): 89 04 04 80 4(6): 81 80 5(a): 88 02 01 80 6(c): 05 08 80 7(d): 05 09 80 8(e): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 88 04 01 80 3(22): 88 03 01 80 4(23): 88 02 01 80 03 Janet Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(3): 03 20 80 3(6): 89 04 04 80 4(7): 88 03 01 80 5(8): 81 80 6(9): 05 08 80 7(a): 00 07 80 8(b): 00 09 80 9(c): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 03 06 80 3(22): 88 03 01 80 04 Carol Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(5): 88 04 01 80 3(7): 81 80 4(8): 15 07 80 5(9): 23 12 80 6(a): 81 80 7(b): 81 80 8(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 03 03 90 80 3(22): 88 04 01 80 05 Wells Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(4): 88 05 01 80 3(5): 0b 06 80 4(6): 0f 03 80 5(7): 0b 07 1f 10 80 6(8): 06 09 80 7(9): 81 80 8(a): 88 14 01 80 9(b): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 88 05 01 80 06 Peter Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(7): 0f 01 80 4(8): 81 80 5(9): 09 03 80 6(a): 00 07 80 7(c): 89 06 06 80 8(d): 88 06 01 80 9(e): 14 0b 80 a(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 15 06 80 3(22): 88 06 01 80 07 Roger's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 06 07 80 3(12): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 08 Sandra Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(4): 81 80 4(6): 91 84 08 80 5(7): 09 03 80 6(8): 81 80 7(c): 88 0d 01 16 01 80 8(d): 81 10 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 08 04 80 3(22): 81 80 4(23): 88 09 01 80 5(24): 88 08 01 80 09 Patrick Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 08 06 80 3(3): 0b 05 80 4(4): 0b 08 80 5(5): 03 0b 80 6(6): 88 09 01 10 13 80 7(7): 15 06 80 8(8): 23 12 80 9(b): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 0b 0c 80 3(22): 88 09 01 80 0a Doctor's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 08 20 80 3(12): 08 04 80 4(13): 84 08 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 0b Herbert Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(4): 0f 02 80 3(5): 84 09 80 4(6): 21 12 01 05 80 5(7): 05 05 80 6(8): 01 08 80 7(a): 01 09 80 8(b): 81 80 9(c): 09 05 90 a(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 0c Gordon Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 02 0a 80 3(3): 84 09 80 4(4): 09 06 80 5(5): 16 01 80 6(6): 81 80 7(7): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 0d Fran Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(4): 84 0c 80 4(8): 88 0d 01 80 5(9): 06 0c 80 6(a): 14 09 80 7(b): 14 0b 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 85 0c 0d 02 80 3(22): 0d 04 80 4(23): 88 0d 01 80 0e Stephen's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 0d 21 80 3(12): 81 80 4(13): 81 80 5(14): 84 0c 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 0d 04 84 0c 80 3(22): 81 80 0f Omadon Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 14 01 80 3(3): 84 09 80 4(4): 09 06 80 5(5): 22 11 80 6(6): 00 09 80 7(8): 01 0c 80 8(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 10 Scott's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 3(12): 81 80 4(13): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 11 Cassel's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 12 Hyams' corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 13 Cameron Speak 1(0): 81 80 2(1): 84 03 80 3(2): 14 0b 80 4(3): 88 13 01 80 5(4): 81 80 6(5): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 13 02 80 3(22): 88 13 01 80 14 Cronenberg Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 81 80 3(4): 13 01 80 4(6): 88 14 01 80 5(7): 85 0b 80 6(8): 84 0b 80 7(9): 81 80 8(a): 09 08 80 9(b): 0d 0a 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 14 0b 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 00 08 80 3(22): 88 14 01 80 4(23): 14 0b 80 15 Romero Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 14 02 80 3(3): 0b 08 80 4(4): 0f 04 80 5(5): 81 80 6(6): 08 0c 80 7(7): 14 04 22 11 80 8(8): 04 08 80 9(9): 81 80 a(a): 0f 08 80 b(b): 16 03 80 c(d): 81 80 d(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 16 Wes Speak 1(1): 81 80 2(2): 15 08 80 3(3): 15 0a 80 4(4): 15 0b 80 5(5): 81 80 6(6): 81 80 7(7): 81 80 8(8): 13 05 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 16 08 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 2(21): 16 06 80 3(22): 16 08 80 17 Sam's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 03 0b 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 18 Toby's corpse Speak 1(f): 81 80 Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 16 01 80 Take 1(20): 81 80 19 grave Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 3(12): 07 12 80 Take 1a ruins Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 03 09 80 3(12): 81 80 4(13): 84 0d 80 Take 1b cross(w sword) Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 00 09 80 3(12): 0f 06 00 0a 80 4(13): 84 0e 80 Take 1c city hall door Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 05 06 80 Take 1d library(manuscript) Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 0b 04 80 3(12): 81 80 Take 1e library(decoder) Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 0b 0a 80 3(12): 81 80 Take 1f city hall(family tree) Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 05 07 80 3(12): 81 80 Take 20 File Items 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 3(12): 81 80 21 Manuscript Items 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 3(12): 81 80 22 Family Tree Items 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 15 04 80 23 Pendant Items 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 3(12): 0f 05 80 24 Decoder Items 1(10): 81 80 25 cross(church passage) Speak Search 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 81 80 Take 26 Radio Items 1(10): 81 80 2(11): 13 00 80