Platform: PC-9801
Status: In Progress
Another game by Silence, Cyber Arms Val-Kaizer uses the same compression and image formats as their other games, so a lot of our tools were able to be reused. The engine itself, ACSEX.EXE, is very different from SGS.COM, and used different scripting as well. Fortunately, those scripts are held in plain TXT files compressed to SZH, so editing them is a lot easier than the SIL files the other games use.
While the game appears to be the same style of menu-based adventure as their earlier games, Val-Kaizer has one new feature that necessitates a new engine, the addition of first person "dungeon crawler" maze sections. These sections are a sort of precursor to those that would be added to Sogna's later remake of Guynarock, Guynarock R.